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Statement des HCs der GFL Seniors- Joshua Mandel #BLM

Josh 2Coach Joshua Mandel 2017- Foto Christian Goßlar

Headcoach der GFL Seniors, Joshua Mandel:

"The Berlin Rebels are in full support of the Black Lives Matter protests. We want to help in any capacity to stand and fight against racism in order to make the world an equal and loving place for everyone.

I want our players and coaches to know the sincerity and solidarity we have for them. My life as a student, athlete and coach has shaped me into who I am now. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by the diversity of race and culture that many of us experience on a daily basis. The variety of cultures and race that enrich our lives shape our character as human beings. To our players and coaches I say that you are loved and supported and in any way we can help in this difficult time of change the Rebels are here as a true family. When one person suffers, we all suffer. Let us stand together for our players, our city and all the people around the world taking challenging steps to make lasting and meaningful change.
With Love!"

Coach Josh
